Chapter 236 Movie Public Screening License (4th Extra/Additional)_1

PS: Extra chapter to make up for everyone o(╥﹏╥)o

Ding Yue looked at Xu Jiuge's panda eyes, wanting to laugh but also feeling a bit heartbroken.

When he first met Xu Jiuge, she was a lively and youthful woman. Ever since the animation film "Super Combat Team" was initiated, she had led the Feiyue Animation Studio team working tirelessly day and night.

Now that "Super Combat Team" is finally complete, Ding Yue silently praises them in his heart.

"Principal Ding?"

Seeing Principal Ding so intently looking at her, Xu Jiuge called out.

"Eh, do you know your eyes look like a panda's right now?" Ding Yue came back to reality, sighing, "The last time I saw you, your dark circles weren't so severe."