Chapter 240: The School's Second Phase Expansion Plan (First update, 6k large chapter, please subscribe)_2

1.35 billion yuan!

350 million allocated for this academic year's teaching expenditure. The remaining billion: 700 million can be used for the second phase of the expansion project of Mist City Arts and Science University. The other 300 million will be set aside for emergencies. After all, Ding Yue cannot guarantee that nothing will happen to his Mist City Arts and Science University within the next year.

"A sports stadium... for a campus that spans 7500 acres and houses 70 to 80 thousand students, we're going to need at least three or four sports stadiums to meet demand."

Ding Yue continued to ponder.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

At this moment, someone knocked on his office door.

Secretary Wen Ruohan promptly opened the door and found that the visitor was Director Qi Chunsheng, the head of the Academic Affairs Office.

"Director Qi"

Wen Ruohan called out.