Chapter 241: Principal Ding is Really Rich and Arrogant (Second Update, 6k Large Chapter, Please Subscribe)_4

"We definitely need a sports stadium. Let's build a new central sports stadium next to the central sports ground." Ding Yue nodded.

Upon hearing this, Xiong Yang, the director of the Physical Education department, couldn't help but admire Principal Ding for his lavish spending. Anyone who didn't know better would think this was a sports academy given its three sports grounds and two sports stadiums within the university.

At this moment, Ding Yue looked at Chen Ping, the director of the Architecture Faculty, and asked with a smile, "Director Chen, do you think this layout is reasonable?"

"Ah, this layout is very efficient for students. They can go to the teaching buildings for classes and in the opposite directions there are three sports grounds. Each dormitory area for different majors can have their physical education classes at the nearest sports ground. It's perfect."

Director Chen Ping felt that there was essentially nothing to criticize about this layout.