Chapter 244: Singularly Favored by Principal Ding? (First Update, 6k Large Chapter, Please Subscribe)_2

"Right, look, Zhao Chi and his team are also here. I heard they've been in touch with several construction companies this year. Have you heard about it?"

Cui Hai whispered into Liu Chuanjie's ear.

"There's such a thing?"

Liu Chuanjie was not too concerned about Zhao Chi's affairs as he had been busy studying diligently throughout the past semester.

By now, Liu Chuanjie had almost mastered all the related knowledge of four-year university architecture studies.

That is to say, barring any surprises, Liu Chuanjie could apply to take the exams early this year, earn all the necessary credits, and then graduate early.

"That's right, Zhao Chi is planning to smoothly collect all credits this year and then talk with several construction companies. After his early graduation, he will likely start job hunting."

Cui Hai gossiped.

"That's a good thing. I also plan to see if I can get enough credits this year, finish my thesis, and then apply for early graduation."