Chapter 245: Immediately Besieged on All Sides! (The Second Subscription Request for the Big 6k Chapter)_3

Even if we were sued by Mist City Arts and Science University at that time, it was just a litigious matter, and even if we lost the lawsuit, it was okay. We would just pay some compensation and that would be the end of it.

Such matters were easy to handle in Xia Country. Xu Wei, in particular, had a lot of experience with this. There was a time when his Rentang Medical Technology Group had taken out a competitor using similar tactics.

That was about six or seven years ago, when the Rentang Medical Technology Group copied a very popular medical product of the time. They took the initiative and, with the cooperation of the Dingli Group, seized the market first, ultimately causing the company that invented the medical product to not even get a sip of the soup.

There was a lawsuit that time as well, but the Rentang Medical Technology Group had already made a killing. The lawsuit dragged on for a long time, finally leading to the bankruptcy of that company.