Chapter 251: Not As Good As A Popular Celebrity? (Third update, seeking subscriptions)_1

Five-thirty in the afternoon.

The setting sun poured in through the window of the Peach Garden Apartment from the west end.

Ding Yue rubbed his groggy eyes; he finally woke up.

This sleep was the most comfortable he had experienced in days, mainly because previously he was overwhelmed by thoughts about the research data he had been working on with Professor Zhou Wen and others.

"Is it already five-thirty?"

He checked the time on his phone. He had been asleep from nine in the morning until now.


His stomach grumbled.

Ding Yue was so hungry he didn't want to move. He decided to make a call to Wen Ruohan.

"Hello, Principal Ding, are you awake? Many people tried to contact you today, but I stopped them all temporarily so you could rest well."

Wen Ruohan said excitedly over the phone.

"Brilliant job!"

Ding Yue praised Wen Ruohan and then asked, "Do you have time now, Wen Ruohan?"