Chapter 260 Is this it? Is this it? Is this it? (6k large chapter, please subscribe)_3

Upon hearing Director Wu's words, Ding Yue felt his heart skipped a beat. The confidence that had been somewhat stable, suddenly, just like Director Wu, began to worry.

After all, if Master Wu Changying, a master of National Arts, really loses this challenge, how many people's expectations and hopes for National Arts will be crushed?

By then, whether it's Thai Boxing or any other martial arts, they could step over National Arts and become arrogant and domineering.

The National Arts major at Ding Yue's Mist City Arts and Science University will surely suffer a blow, because by that time, no one will have confidence in National Arts, and naturally, the number of students who want to study the major will decrease.

"Ah! That means Master Wu Changying should try to finish the fight quickly!"

After hearing what Director Wu said, Xu Bin also started to worry. Presently, Master Wu and Zhao Kai were stuck in a stalemate.