Chapter 268: Overdraft Potential in Advance! (5/10 Extra Chapters Added by the League Leader) _1

In the movie theater, towards the end of "Our Youth Time", all the girls in the audience were moved to tears.

Both Wen Ruohan and Jiang Yao, seated beside Ding Yue, could not help but cried.

"Is it that moving?"

Ding Yue was a bit puzzled.

All it was, after all, just a typical tragic ending of a youthful romance film, designed to elicit the audience's tears.

The storyline was about the male protagonist sacrificing his own life to save the female protagonist at the last critical moment.

To Ding Yue, this kind of plot was rather clichéd.

Yet, it's precisely such a plot that caught the fancy of its target audience, the girls. They easily lost themselves in the movie and were deeply touched.

However, the overall quality of "Our Youth Time" was quite good. The shooting techniques, scene transitions, and the like were commendable. Clearly, it's a film directed by an experienced director.

Today, Ding Yue came to watch this competitor's film to study its strengths and weaknesses.