Chapter 272: The Sister's Perspective is Always Strange (9/10 Alliance Leader Extra)"_1

In the center was a cluster of red.

Surrounded by white vacant seats.

Ding Yue even went on counting, finding that the cluster of red was made up of 47 people.

Does this mean that during the same time slot in the 3DIMAX theater, with almost two hundred seats, only 47 tickets for "Space Fortress" were sold?

After seeing the status displayed on his mobile phone screen, Ding Yue almost thought he had checked the wrong cinema.

After all, he might have mistaken it for a remote, less popular cinema, right?

But after a reconfirmation, he found out that it was indeed the hottest cinema in University Town. It was built two years ago and had become the top choice for university students to watch movies.


Ding Yue couldn't help but mutter with a laugh.

"What's the matter, Principal Ding?" Wen Ruohan, standing beside him, asked curiously.
