Chapter 285: The Training Journey of Big White (Subscription Needed)_1

"Mist City Arts and Science University, sports hall.

The university's logistics department staff were urgently setting up the challenge arena inside the sports hall. Director Huang had instructed them to fully complete the preparation of the challenge arena and the spectator stands before noon the next day.

At the same time, Huang Youjie personally contacted the professional judging team for this challenge.


The challenge between Sun Chengkang, a National Arts major student at Mist City Arts and Science University, and Zhao Kai, a Thai Boxing Master, scheduled for 6 pm on October 8th, had already spread around.

In various student groups at Mist City Arts and Science University, the students were all discussing the topic of this challenge.

[Mist City Arts and Science University Akinoyama Students Car Racing Group]---

"@Everyone, you all know right, the challenge is set at 6 pm tomorrow!"

"Yeah yeah, I heard the challenge will take place right in our school."