Chapter 290: This, is National Arts! (Super big chapter of 9000 words, requests for subscription)_1

PS: I finished writing the plot of the National Arts Boxing Match in one chapter, unbroken~

"Come on, Sun Chengkang!"

"Zhao Kai is invincible!"

"National Arts must win, must win!"

In the gymnasium of Mist City Arts and Science University, the audience is excited and everyone is looking forward to the match between Sun Chengkang and Zhao Kai.

This is more than just a simple boxing match.

It's a battle about whether the National Arts can be generally accepted. Sun Chengkang, a National Arts major at Mist City Arts and Science University, bears enormous pressure.

But Sun Chengkang is not burdened by this intense pressure, because Principal Ding has told him more than once to face Zhao Kai with a relaxed mindset.

It is almost six o'clock.

The referee team has already taken the stage, and the host has also stepped onto the ring. As the host announces the entrance of the challengers, the atmosphere reaches its peak.

"Thai Boxing expert, Zhao Kai!"