Chapter 294 I Can, But You Can't! (9000 Words Mega Chapter Please Subscribe)_1

PS: A super-large chapter of 9000 words, wishing everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day~

If the National College Education Innovation Exchange Conference wants to be held at Mist City Arts and Science University, then the strength of Mist City Arts and Science University must at least reach the Double First Class level.

At present, it's far from that.

After all, the university has just obtained the authorization point for master students; they don't even have a doctorate authorization point.

Moreover, they lack nationally recognized first-rate academic disciplines. Their teaching resources, compared to those of Double First Class Universities, still have a certain gap.


If Mist City Arts and Science University intends to host a National College Education Innovation Exchange Conference, they can only do so "someday".

However, Ding Yue believes that there will definitely be opportunities.