Chapter 301: Who is the Number One in the Country? (9000 word Super Chapter, Requesting Subscription)_1

The afternoon of October 10th.

At a gathering of an animation industry event in Haicheng.

Several men who are in their thirties are huddled together, chatting about something related to Mist City Arts and Science University.

"'Super Combat Team' is produced by Feiyue Animation Studio, which Mist City Arts and Science University reorganized after purchasing Tianqi Animation Studio."

"So is it the original team from Tianqi Animation Studio?"

"Yes, it was a group of young people including Xu Jiuge."

"Jiang, didn't you almost partner with Xu Jiuge's Tianqi Animation Studio back then? Why didn't anything come of it?"

"It was my investor who looked down on Tianqi Animation Studio. At that time, Tianqi Animation Studio was just a small workshop."

"Now it's impressive. After joining Mist City Arts and Science University, it produced such an excellent animation movie."

The middle-aged men present are renowned directors and producers in Xia Country's animation film industry.