Chapter 301: Who is the Number One in the Country? (9000 word Super Chapter, Requesting Subscription)_5

Within a few minutes, the post on Twitter was deleted.

But many netizens still managed to take screenshots.

It's generally frowned upon for official Twitter accounts to get involved in dissing others, as such behavior looks really low, ruins their public image, and may have some impact on the reputation of Yancheng Media University.

"Principal Ding, the official Twitter account of Yancheng Media University Animation Department has dissed us."

Wen Ruohan was always the first to know about online news, so she promptly informed Principal Ding.

At that moment, Ding Yue was still relishing the drama of netizens voting on who had the best animation program in the country. His Mist City Arts and Science University had already received over 20,000 votes, pulling ahead of the other universities.

While happily indulging in this, he suddenly heard Wen Ruohan accuse Yancheng Media University Animation Department of dissing his Mist City Arts and Science University?

"What's the matter?"