Chapter 304 The Social Status of Private Universities (Seeking Subscription)_2

Social status involves achieving public recognition for this private university!

The only things at Mist City Arts and Science University that can gain this recognition are the Medical Kang Robots and the third-generation gallium nitride semiconductor materials.

Moreover, the third-generation gallium nitride semiconductor materials were researched and developed in collaboration with Jiangnan University of Science and Technology.

"Principal Xu, your Westlight University has a higher social status. Many people think that your Westlight University is stronger than the general public undergraduate universities. Our Mist City Arts and Science University does not have such social status."

Ding Yue said to Xu Dongcheng with a helpless smile.

This is also what Ding Yue envies about Xu Dongcheng.


"Congratulations to the host for receiving the University Task--[University's Social Status]."

Suddenly, a system notification sounded in Ding Yue's mind.

There is a new task.