Chapter 308 Help from NTS TV Station (second update, appeal for subscription)_1

Ding Yue checked the time and it was already 5:40 in the afternoon.

He was unsure whether the television station reporter he wanted to connect with had knocked off work, however, he thought that regardless of whether the media person had done so, a case like Liu Ping's father's should deserve media attention, shouldn't it?

So, Ding Yue turned to Wen Ruohan and said, "Miss Ruohan, could you call Director Liu Mei from the first channel of NTS?"


Wen Ruohan was a little taken aback at first, but then she quickly took out her phone and began searching for Director Liu Mei's contact from the NTS's first channel in her directory.

The reason why Wen Ruohan was surprised was that Principal Ding's order was indeed quite abrupt.

A moment ago, he asked her to contact the head of the supply department, and then he made a call to Director Huang and now he wanted her to call Director Liu Mei?