Chapter 319: Game Engine Production Technology (Please Subscribe)_1

Watching the [Level 2 University Treasure Chest] start to spin in front of his eyes, and at the moment when it opened, Ding Yue felt quite a bit of excitement.

It was like playing a beloved game and opening a treasure box, expecting a legend or an epic item inside?


"Congratulations to the host for successfully opening a [Level 2 University Treasure Chest], you have gained the [Advanced Game Engine Production Technology]."

Looking at the item that came out from the [Level 2 University Treasure Chest], Ding Yue couldn't help but pause.

Then, a joyful smile suddenly appeared on his face.

Luckily, it wasn't a pen or a diary or some other item.

It was a technology!

That's right! Just like the last time he opened a University Treasure Chest, this time Ding Yue also got a technology. It just wasn't as awesome as the one from the [Level 3 University Treasure Chest].

Looking at it this way, Ding Yue was definitely a lucky dog.

"Advanced Game Engine Production Technology?"