Chapter 325: Drought dies of drought, flood dies of flood (a 7000-word chapter please subscribe)_4

The National Holiday Period every year has a fixed audience base. But now that two popular movies have been released, wouldn't that squeeze the box office space for my "Space Fortress"?

In this parallel world's Xia Country, it's now 2021, and the nationwide box office record for a film is only a little over 30 billion yuan.

Movies that pull in over 20 billion yuan at the box office are all hot bestsellers, and the ones that surpass 1 billion yuan are all the favorites of the year!

Ma Wenhai has previously made several billion-dollar box-office movies, and the box office of his last sci-fi movie was also a big hit.

However, unexpectedly, this year's "Space Fortress" encountered a Waterloo!

"Leaving aside the matter of having the box office space squeezed, when I analyzed the quality of the film itself, compared to your previous sci-fi movie, it doesn't seem to have made much progress," Chen Dachun pointed out the problem.

One must admit that Chen Dachun has a unique vision.