Chapter 326 Happiness Comes Too Suddenly (First update, please subscribe)_3

37.89 million yuan!

Everyone was stunned when they heard this number.

That much money?


Not only the students, but even Xu Jiuge and her colleagues were shocked. All this cash bonus to be shared out among the studio?

It's unimaginable!

You should know, when Principal Ding initially bought their Tianqi Animation Studio, he didn't spend this much money. It was something close to an insignificant sum.

And now, just one year later, Principal Ding is giving out a bonus of 37.89 million to the studio!

"This much?"

Xu Jiuge couldn't help but take a deep breath, walked forward, looked at Principal Ding and asked, "Principal Ding, isn't this money too much?"

"Who would dislike more money?" Ding Yue smiled and said, "I promised you all. You worked hard for several months and produced a 'Super Combat Team' that I'm delighted with. It's your deserved reward."

Ding Yue's demeanor was showing one thing - his generosity!