Chapter 328: Domestic Top Universities Inspection Group (Third Subscription Requested)_1

"Damn it!"

Ding Yue remembered it.

Inspection teams from Qinghua University and Yancheng University were both visiting Mist City Arts and Science University today, but he had overslept till noon due to a lively celebration the night before.

"Secretary Wen, did the inspection teams from Qinghua University and Yancheng University all arrive?"

As Ding Yue was getting ready to go out, he turned to ask his secretary, Wen Ruohan.

"Yes, they arrived around ten this morning on the same flight. I organized the university's vehicles to fetch them, and have had them settled."

Wen Ruohan nodded in affirmation as she responded.

She hadn't forgotten about the event during the celebratory dinner last night. Anticipating that Principal Ding might overdrink, Wen Ruohan barely drank at all and simply enjoyed the meal.

"They're already settled?" Ding Yue looked at Wen Ruohan with surprise.