Chapter 340 Winning the Documentary Gold Award (Subscription Requested)_1

The atmosphere at the venue was incredibly tense for a moment.

The directors of the five TV dramas that had been nominated were almost holding their breath.

This moment was extremely important for them.

Ding Yue carefully observed Director Su Yangfan sitting next to him, his gaze fixed on the stage where the winning TV drama was about to be announced, his breathing had slightly hastened.

Ding Yue didn't care whether Su Yangfan's TV drama "Transdimensional Contact" would win the NTS Gold Award.

Ding Yue was only concerned with whether Director Su Yangfan would consider joining his Mist City Arts and Science University Film and Television College.

If he joins, the teaching strength and influence of the Film and Television College would evidently increase significantly.

If Director Su Yangfan's work won the NTS Gold Award and at the same time came to his Mist City Arts and Science University Film and Television College, that would be even better.