Chapter 354 The Birth of 'Wandering Earth' (Subscriptions requested)_2

After hammering, throw them back to the construction site to move bricks.

This won't work!

In his previous life on Earth, Ding Yue had been a top-notch graduate from a key university.

After transmigrating to the Parallel World, how could he have fallen to a college test flunker who moves bricks?

After calming down.

Ding Yue quickly thought of an extremely stimulating solution.

That is— make the fiction real!

Firstly, as a transmigrator, Ding Yue thought he could scribble a bit here and there in this parallel world, plagiarize some literature, plagiarize some songs, become a culture vulture; he should be able to make his mark like that, right?

When the money comes in, he can explain to his parents about his college test flop; his parents naturally won't say anything then.

After all, in this day and age, making money is the "Correct Way".

The crisp clinking of silver is a symbol of strength!