Chapter 355 The Moon Abroad May Not Be Round (Please Subscribe)_2

After her explanation, An Yujia soon used herself as an example for Chen Yilin to understand. "Actually, I initially chose to leave America and return home because I wasn't happy with what was happening at work. In the end, I chose to resign. My work now makes me a lot happier, and I've also made a group of really nice friends."

An Yujia was speaking the truth.

Originally, she thought after returning home, the prospects and salary would be considerably lower. However, An Yujia is now in charge of the entire Feiyue Group and has made many friends from Mist City Arts and Science University.

Take Principal Ding for instance.

Her relationship with Principal Ding is actually a combination of boss and friend; in a professional setting, he is her superior, while they maintain a good friendship outside of work.