Chapter 360 Quantum Speed Reading? (Subscription Requested)_1

As a graduate student majoring in physics, Ding Yue had some understanding of quantum mechanics.

Therefore, he decided to thoroughly read Xia Qing's graduation thesis titled "On the Prospects of Quantum Mechanics in the Future Technology Industry".

After all, this thesis had passed the defense of the professors in the physics department, which meant that it certainly had some depth to it.

Having opened the thesis, Ding Yue started to seriously read it.

In the thesis, Xia Qing provided a systematic explanation of quantum mechanics and also included substantial insights from her own research.

Many complex concepts were clearly presented in the thesis. To be frank, Ding Yue believed that as an undergraduate thesis about quantum mechanics, it was faultless.

In fact, not many bachelor graduates from Double First-Class universities might not be able to produce such an excellent thesis.