Chapter 85: Maid

Although feeling some doubt and disbelief, Aaron kept his composure and continued conversing with Clarke Das, even getting his business card.

He looked at the address on the card and decided to pay a visit later.

"I apologize, I just settled down here and haven't had new business cards printed yet..."

Aaron offered an explanation for himself.

"No problem, Mr. Yogas, I'm looking forward to your visit."

Clarke Das smiled.

Aaron's current alias was Aaron Yuges.

The three of them chatted while entering the employment agency.

"Gentlemen, what kind of services do you need...we have the best butlers, the prettiest maids, and burly manservants as strong as oxen..."

A greasy-faced manager immediately welcomed them.

Clarke frowned immediately.

Well informed about these matters, Aaron knew that real butlers often came from upper-class families and had attended specialized training schools, separate from ordinary servants.