Nightsleepers' Gathering

Early in the next morning.

They left Island Town 708 and crossed the ridge-like mountains in the middle of the island to the other side.

There was a vast black forest that stretched all the way to the border beach.

The location of this Nightsleepers' Gathering was in the black forest.

"Master, how did you know the location of the gathering?" Wang Yu asked as he walked in the forest.

Sun Chengshan casually threw a woodcutter he had bought at the last minute to Wang Yu.

'I'm an old member of their gathering, you see.'

He took out a bamboo stick that looked like it was used to pray from his pocket. It was jade-green in color and the material was smooth.

"Here, this is the messenger bamboo stick that Nightsleepers gave me. Do you see the words on it?" Sun Chengshan pointed at the bamboo stick and said.

Wang Yu looked over. There was indeed a line of neat writings on the bamboo stick, which was faintly white.

[On July 5, year 772 of the Blue Star Calendar, a Nightsleepers' Gathering will be held in the Forest of Island Town 708. The detailed coordinates are as follows…]

After Sun Chengshan's explanation, Wang Yu finally understood this so-called messenger bamboo stick.

There were no cell phones or other communication devices in this world. However, there was a magical bamboo called the Heart Bamboo.

It could be made into bamboo sticks like the one in Sun Chengshan's hand.

There was also a part inside the bamboo where if one wrote on it, all the bamboo sticks made of the same bamboo would appear at the same time within 300 kilometers.

"If you use the Lumino Grass Powder to write it, the transmission distance can reach more than 1,000 kilometers. You've never seen these things before, but in our world of cultivation, they're not considered rare." Sun Chengshan explained.

This was obviously their most commonly used means of communication. Although it was not as convenient as a mobile phone, it still looked quite magical.

"I'll introduce you this time. When the time comes, you'll pay 100 crystal dollars to enter and receive such a message bamboo stick. In the future, if there is a gathering near you, you will receive their message."

Wang Yu nodded.

The Nightsleepers' method of recruiting new customers was very simple. It was basically through the recommendation of old members.

If not for the old leading the new, ordinary people would not be able to enter even if they knew of the existence of such a gathering.

"In addition, if you want to sell something of value quickly, you can also find the Nightsleepers during the gathering. They don't care about the origin of the item. As long as it passes the appraisal, they'll give the right price and take it."

Sun Chengshan told Wang Yu all the details of the rules of this gathering.

The huge black forest on the back of the island had been developed to a rather limited extent.

When the town was built, it was probably only a preliminary investigation of the dangerous sources in this area. Now, it was deserted.

Near the beach, a forest suddenly opened up and was temporarily surrounded by a row of wooden stakes.

There were large torches stuck into the wooden stakes, and the light guided people through the forest from afar.

Many figures in black robes and hoods with black masks on their faces moved around like ghosts. Their identities looked rather mysterious.

In the distance, two figures approached.

They were also each wearing a plain overcoat robe and a mask.

"Remember, don't ever reveal who you are or try to spy on anyone else at the assembly. That's the biggest taboo in there."

"Yes, Master."

The voices were familiar. They were Sun Chengshan and Wang Yu.

Through the mask, his gaze fell on the black-robed men.

These people were the Nightsleepers.

The black-robed men patrolling outside did not pay much attention to the arrival of Wang Yu and his companion.

They just walked closer to the fenced entrance.

There were also a few black-robed people guarding there. Sun Chengshan skillfully took out a bamboo slip and handed over a 100-dollar star note as an entrance fee.

One of the black-robed men took the bamboo stick and nodded after confirming that it was from within the Nightsleepers.

"This is the newcomer I brought," Sun Chengshan said in a low voice. His voice had changed slightly. It was a little hoarse and dull, like an old man.

Seeing the black-robed man look over, Wang Yu immediately took out a ticket and handed it over.

The black-robed man did not say anything. He just took the star note and handed a brand new bamboo stick to Wang Yu.

He then made way for them and let them both in.

There were many temporary tents in the empty space inside.

There were also some large tree stumps that had been cut down, as well as a large bonfire in the middle. It was burning with boiling flames, and sparks shot into the air. This bonfire was especially eye-catching.

There were also several large trucks carrying cargo parked around, also guarded by the Nightsleepers.

Outside the tent, on the tree stump and beside the bonfire, many outsiders had already gathered. There were at least a hundred of them.

Some of them were looking around. Others were looking down, calculating.

In addition, there were people in the tents.

Inside these tents was the focus of the day, in charge of the transactions.

"I've said all that needed to be said. We'll split up and gather here after we're done buying," Sun said.

Soon the two of them were separated.

Wang Yu planned to take a look first, so he casually entered a tent.

As he lifted the curtain, he felt a wave of warmth.

There were several braziers placed in the tent. The heat source came from them.

It had to be said that the atmosphere of the gathering was well-stocked by the Nightsleepers. It dispelled much of the chill that had surged through the sea and made people feel comfortable.

Wooden tables were neatly arranged in several rows in the tent.

There was a member in charge of each side of the big wooden table.

There were various items placed on the wooden table.

It was worth mentioning that the Nightsleepers all had very powerful auras. At close range, they were even more oppressive, making people dare not mess around.

There were only three to five outsiders in the tent he was in. They were looking at the items on the table and at the same time, looking at the appraisal information and prices marked beside the items.

"I'll take this."

Suddenly, a masked man who had been standing there for a long time pointed at a simple and heavy short-handled sickle on the table in front of him.

"8800," said the nightsleeper indifferently. It was a male voice.

The masked man was quite straightforward. He took out a stack of star notes and placed them on the table. Exactly 8800.

When the gathering first started, there was a clear rule that the prices of items sold here were not allowed to be bargained.

It could only be the price set by the nightsleepers. Not a cent less.

After the nightsleepers had finished counting the money and nodded their heads, he took the short-handled sickle in the long box and turned to leave without a word.

Because of the mask, Wang Yu could not see the buyer's face clearly, but he thought that he should still like this weapon.

He believed that it would not be an ordinary item. After all, it was an expensive price of 8,800 crystal dollars.

Sweeping his gaze across the items on the table, Wang Yu realized that this tent was mostly filled with various cold weapons. The prices varied.

At least a few hundred, at most tens of thousands. The difference was quite huge. There was simply not of the same level.

Wang Yu fights with his fists. He was not too interested in the weapons of these martial artists, nor were they the target choice on his shopping list.

After glancing through hastily, he went to another.

This time he found his target.