
Three days passed after Song Hezheng broke through.

Ji Fei, who had been recuperating in the medical center, returned.

And brought back one of his decisions.

"You said you were leaving?" Sun Chengshan frowned as Ji Fei returned.

Not much emotion was shown on Ji Fei's face as he nodded. "Yes. The Fortune Trading Company came to me earlier and asked me to go over and work for them. I agreed."

Sun Chengshan looked a little unhappy. "Why didn't you inform me in advance about such a big matter?"

"You weren't at the martial arts school at that time either. I was afraid that I would delay them for too long, so I agreed first." Ji Fei's face was still calm as he stared at Sun Chengshan and said slowly.

Sun Chengshan also looked at him, and his expression changed. In the end, he sighed and said, "With your aptitude, you could have taken the Shadowless Fist a step further. It would have been a better choice to leave then."

Only then will you have the leverage to hold on to. Make the other party value you so that you can gain more benefits."

Jifei said nothing.

He had not come back to discuss anything with his master, Sun Chengshan, but only to inform him of this matter.

"You're just too impetuous. Forget it. I know you won't listen. Then go." Sun Chengshan shook his head.

"Alright, thank you for your guidance, Master. I won't forget you," Ji Fei said calmly, nodding.

"Remember, the outside world is not like our dojo. Always be careful when you encounter people." In the end, Sun Chengshan could not help but remind him.

"I know." With that, Jifei knelt and kowtowed three times to Sun Chengshan.

Then, he got up and strode out of the room without any hesitation. He did not bid his farewell to any of the disciples and left the dojo that he had been with day and night.

Another two months have passed.

On this day, Wang Yu repeated his routine day after day.

"Huh?" Wang Yu stopped for a while as he felt the heat in his body gradually fade.

"Why is the effect of the blood pork shorter today?"

He frowned slightly but did not think too much about it. He picked out a large piece of steamed blood pork from the small plate beside him and ate it in two bites.

The taste of the blood pork was relatively hard, and it usually carried a strong smell of blood.

It was really difficult for ordinary people to swallow. It was only because Wang Yu ate it every day that he was used to it.

After eating another piece of blood pork, the heat in his body quickly surged again, filling every part of his body.

Feeling hot all over, Wang Yu simply took off his clothes.

He was bare-chested and straight as a pine tree, revealing his strong muscles.

The shapes were distinct. They did not look exaggerated, but they were extremely sturdy and contained immense explosive power.

Compared to before he started practicing martial arts, it was as if he had changed to a different body.

Under the constant nourishment of the blood pork, even his height had increased greatly in the past two months. He looked slender and was almost 1.9 meters tall.

His temperament was no longer gloomy and cold. Instead, it was as fiery as the sun. At the age of 18, he turned into a handsome young man in his prime.

It was no wonder that recently, he could not keep a low profile even if he wanted to.

The female disciples in the dojo who used to look down on him often paid attention to him. From time to time, they would come over to ask him for guidance on the basis of discussing fist techniques.

This made him feel troublesome. He might as well spend most of his time in the inner courtyard practicing his boxing.

Under the continuous effects of the blood pork, Wang Yu continued to punch.

Suddenly, an idea flashed across his mind. He put down all the other body tempering techniques and focused on practicing Shadowless Fist.

Gradually, the feeling of enlightenment became stronger. His face was red and excited.

His eyes lit up.

It could be faster! It could be stronger!

This is far from my physical limit!

The effect of the blood pork in his body was being squeezed out, and the heat was becoming more intense, repeatedly washing through his limbs and bones.

His muscles, bones, and meridians were all changing, and this change was happening faster and faster.

Just as Wang Yu was getting excited, the effect of the blood pork that he had just eaten was squeezed dry.

"It's not enough!" Wang Yu moved like a gust of wind and ate the remaining three pieces of pork on the plate.

In the past, such a piece of bloody pork could last for at least half a day. But now, it was gone in the blink of an eye.

Clearly, today was different!

Repeating the path of the Shadowless Fist again and again, his punches became more fierce and faster. He kept hitting each iron stake, and the muffled sounds became louder and louder.

Suddenly, Wang Yu's mind went blank.

In the next moment, a cooling sensation seeped out from his spine and spread throughout his body.

It was like a basin of ice water pouring on his body in the August heat.

Only then did his overheated body temperature ease up. Then, his entire body felt as if he had been electrocuted.

The process took about ten minutes before relieving.

"This feeling!" Wang Yu retracted his fist and looked at his hands with bright eyes.

On the iron stake in front of him, there was a clear fist mark. The dent was at least a centimeter deep.

The fourth level of Body Tempering!

This was the only thought in Wang Yu's mind.

"Although I felt that the day of the breakthrough was approaching, I didn't expect it to be today. It's much earlier than expected."

He thought to himself, but he could not hide his smile.

He went to the bathroom to wash away the filth that was secreted from his body. When he came out again, he felt refreshed.

His body grew stronger from the inside out.

The difficulty of cultivating from the third to the fourth level of Body Tempering increased exponentially. After the corresponding breakthrough, the changes in his body could be said to be earth-shattering.

His physique was as tough as iron, and his blood was as vigorous as fire. It was impossible for ordinary colds and illnesses to attack him anymore.

This feeling of rebirth was indescribable to Wang Yu.

It was no wonder that one could officially graduate upon reaching the fourth level of Body Tempering.

The first three levels of Body Tempering were only for disciples.

The difference between the two was too great. No matter how smart and skilled the disciple was.

However, his physique was completely suppressed by the old master in all aspects. He probably couldn't even withstand a slap. How could he compare…

"If I had a specific attribute value, after advancing to the fourth level of Body Tempering, my strength, agility, defense, and mental strength would probably have doubled."

Wang Yu muttered after feeling in his new body.

That night, it was time for the dividends again.

In Sun Chengshan's inner room, the three of them gathered again.

In the past two months, Second Brother Meng had been like an old tree coming back to life.

Ever since they moved to town, the family of three had been living quite comfortably. They also had a considerable amount of savings that could be used to make plans for the future.

Unlike Wang Yu and Sun Chengshan, who had spent their share of the mining profits in the blink of an eye immediately after receiving them.

"The second round of purple coal ore was also sold to the garrison. The output this time is much higher than in the beginning. The total profit is about 300,000 dollars…"

As usual, Sun Chengshan reported the results. This time, Wang Yu received about 45,000 crystal dollars.

Second Brother Meng, on the other hand, received about 60,000 crystal dollars. Sun Chengshan had most of the share.

All three were satisfied.

Second Brother Meng did not even know how to spend this huge sum of money.

Wang Yu only told him to be careful of thieves and not to be too ostentatious. After all, the current environment was not that peaceful.

After Second Brother Meng left, Wang Yu remained in Sun Chengshan's room.

"Master, I've reached the fourth level of Shadowless Fist," Wang Yu suddenly said.

Sun Chengshan, who had just taken a sip of tea, almost spat it out.


He instinctively thought that Wang Yu was joking, but on second thought, Wang Yu had never joked with him about cultivation.




Again there was an eerie silence.

Sun Chengshan felt a little bitter. Back then, it took him six years to break through to the fourth level of the Shadowless Fist.

As for Wang Yu, this little brat…