Military Combat Strength

Just as Sun Chengshan and the other two were discussing the guardian, he suddenly looked over and walked over with a few soldiers.

Sun Chengshan immediately became serious and cupped his hands. "Greetings, Lord Guardian."

The guardian was in a good mood. He smiled and said, "There's no need for that. The purple coal ore you provided previously helped me alleviate the coal shortage in town some time ago and prevented it from becoming a bigger problem. Brother Sun, I have to thank you."

"Lord, you're too polite. My ore is for sale anyway. Since you need it, of course I will sell it to you unconditionally," Sun Chengshan said politely.

They exchanged pleasantries. They were considered to be acquaintances from the ore sale.

The guardian had investigated Sun Chengshan.

Whether it was the results of the challenge after arriving at Island Town, the Shadowless Fist Dojo that had already been well-established, or the mining business this time.

All of these showed that Sun Chengshan was a capable person.

Previously, when they were discussing the meeting, he had even thought of recruiting Sun Chengshan to be his subordinate. Unfortunately, Sun rejected him.

Compared to working for the Garrison, Sun Chengshan preferred to continue running his dojo.

"Lord Guardian, the tide this time is extraordinary. We will definitely defend this place and share your burden to protect the safety of the people of the island town."

Speaking of the impending tide, Sun Chengshan immediately became righteous. He stood with his hands behind his back and created a glorious image of himself.

This change made Wang Yu's lips twitch.

Sun Chengshan had previously been excited about the precious ingredients in the deep sea, but now, he was saying that he was doing it for the country and the people.

"Alright, thank you for your efforts," the guardian said with a smile.

The atmosphere of the conversation was passable.

Wang Yu's attention fell on the halberd in the guardian's hand. The shaft was about the thickness of a forearm, and it looked extremely heavy.

The armor worn by the guardian also looked very heavy and well-made. There were brocade clouds carved on it, giving off a murderous aura.

According to Sun Chengshan, this guardian was a hero who had returned from the battlefield. His achievements were all earned through his own hard work in his early years.

The few personal guards behind him were wearing the uniforms of the Nance Kingdom's army. The main color scheme was dark green with embroidered clouds.

A delicate word "Lu" was printed on the collar.

The guardian's expression remained solemn as he held his weapon and guarded his surroundings seriously.

Not to mention the majestic aura of the guardian, even these personal guards gave Wang Yu a lot of pressure.

To be able to make him feel this way, these personal guards must have been at least at the fifth level of Body Tempering. They were probably martial artists who were on the same level as his master, Sun Chengshan.

However, such experts were only personal guards by the guardian's side, with no fame and glory.

Wang Yu felt a little emotional.

From what it seems to be like, he might not even be qualified to become such a personal guard.

It had to be said that the military was indeed powerful. There were probably many people like these personal guards in the military.

Thinking about it, if the army was not strong enough, how could it repress the civilian martial artists and protect the safety of the entire island town?

"Lord Guardian, Commander Lu is looking for you." A soldier ran over quickly and reported hurriedly.

The guardian nodded and immediately ended the conversation. He bid farewell to Sun Chengshan and walked back.

The rain began to fall harder, turning the entire beach into the mud.

The sand was constantly swept ashore by the waves, and some of the trash that had been released earlier was also pushed back.

Suddenly, a lonely whistle that sounded like it came from an abyss resounded throughout the coast and entered everyone's ears.

Everyone stopped and looked in the direction of the sound, at the dark, hazy sea.

A huge wave rolled over, and at the same time, half of a huge fish-like tail was revealed. Then, it slapped the water and created huge waves before disappearing into it.

"That's… a sea whale?" Wang Yu said in surprise.

He was surprised that in this stormy sea, half the tail of the sea whale that emerged was surprisingly large.

This tail alone was the size of a large sailboat.

It was hard to imagine what kind of huge outline that whale would have.

Even Sun Chengshan was shocked.

"It hasn't been long since the sea was poisonous. Those that appear in the Silver Belt Sea at this time are basically not ordinary creatures, so it's very likely that it's a sea whale that survived in the poisonous sea!"

"So!" Song Hezheng said with his eyes wide open. "That sea whale is a precious ingredient too?"

"Christ, if we kill it, we could all eat it together for years."

Wang Yu was stunned when he heard that. Then, he said, "I didn't expect Eldest Senior Brother to be so bold. I'm afraid that a slap from the sea whale's tail can kill all of us. I think it's better not to have any plans about this big fellow."

He still followed the code of discretion and steadiness.

No matter how many precious ingredients and meat there were, he would not make a move unless he was 80 to 90 percent sure.

"Um, I was just saying," Song added quietly.

Sun Chengshan nodded and said, "Yu is right. It's best if that big guy doesn't go ashore, and don't expect it to be stranded and at the mercy of us.

Generally, creatures that can become precious ingredients have already evolved with extraordinary characteristics. If it wants to come up, it will be able to adapt to land movement. If that's the case, it will definitely be a great disaster if it comes ashore!"

Hearing their master's words, the disciples' faces turned pale. They silently prayed that the whale would not come up.

The guardian on the other side also stared at the giant whale and tightened his grip on the halberd.

Only after the whale disappeared for a long time did he heave a sigh of relief.

"It's indeed as predicted. Under this heat wave, this year's tide situation is harsher than any of the previous years. Even such a creature that lives in the ten thousand-meter deep sea has emerged!"

The guardian's tone was extremely solemn.

"Good thing it didn't come ashore. Guess it wasn't interested in our place."

Beside the guardian, a tall man who was also wearing armor and holding a large iron spear spoke calmly.

He was the commander of the troops under the garrison and was in charge of the local army camp.

"Yes, but we can't gamble with the fate of the island town on this uncertainty. The tide will last for a few days. There's no guarantee that we won't lose control next," the guardian said grimly, quietly making a decision in his heart.

The commander glanced at the guardian and remained silent, asking no further.

In the afternoon, even more martial artists gathered outside the town.

Everyone was drenched in rain, but no one would leave at this juncture.


Waves crashed against the reef dam on the shore with a deafening crash.

The water level had already reached the entire beach, and most of the limestone road at the port was submerged.

"It's about time." When the experienced local martial artists saw this scene, they knew that the sea beasts that had been swept over should appear.

Some of the bolder ones had already approached the water level, wanting to occupy some advantageous terrain to stop the sea beasts.

Sun Chengshan had also experienced it three times before. He immediately led the group of disciples to a slope made of rocks.

This place was not far from the current water level. It was high and safe.

Even if the water level rose again, this place would not be flooded for at least a while.

Moreover, some weak small fish would be stuck in the gaps between the rocks after being washed ashore by the tide.

Although their nutritional value was not too high, they could still be considered precious ingredients and were not ordinary. Picking them up was a win too.