Shi Yang

Guan Yunwu frowned and said in a low voice, "Young Master, I didn't bring much money on this trip."

The mission is still days away. I don't want to be sleeping on the streets while we are on it."

Shi Yang did not care at all. He waved his hand and said, "What are you afraid of? Isn't this the Lu family's territory? If we come over to help, they'll invite us to stay for a few days."

Seeing Wang Yu look over, Guan Yunwu had no choice but to take out a star note and hand it over.

It was worth 50,000 crystal dollars.

This was the first time Wang Yu had seen a star note of such a large amount.

And those who could bring a star note of such large denomination out were mostly rich and noble.

The deal was struck with alacrity. There was no bargaining.

Shi Yang was overjoyed. He found Wang Yu much more pleasing to the eye.

"I think you have a bright future. My name is Shi Yang. He's Guan Yunwu. We just came from the capital of Island 701." Shi Yang laughed. He looked like he was quite familiar with Wang Yu already.

"I'm Wang Yu, a disciple of the local Shadowless Boxing Dojo," Wang Yu replied.

"Shadowless Fist Dojo?" Shi Yang raised his eyebrows and shook his head. "I've never heard of it."

Guan Yunwu took a step forward and asked Wang Yu, "I saw that you used the Hong family's boxing style just now."

Seeing that it had been recognized, Wang Yu did not hide anything and said bluntly.

"It's indeed the Hong Family Fist, but it's just an incomplete body tempering technique that I happened to obtain. I don't know its details, but I've been using it as a reference for some time. Is there a problem with this fist technique?"

The items sold at the Nightsleepers' Gathering had no origin, and there was no way to find out either.

Therefore, Wang Yu only knew the contents of the fist technique and did not know the origin of the Hong Family Fist.

"An incomplete technique?" Guan Yunwu was skeptical. "It's not a big problem. It's just that if I encounter the Hong family in the future, I'll be questioned."

"The Hong family?" Wang Yu's expression froze.

Seeing Wang Yu's expression, Shi Yang knew that he had concerns so he couldn't help but explained. "This kind of basic fist technique isn't anything precious. Every disciple of their family will learn it, and even their family guards and servants can come into contact with it. It's inevitable that it will spread. Every military expert has this situation.

As long as outsiders did not touch the core cultivation method that was related to the family's true inheritance, the elders in the family would not care about these details.

"In fact, if you can make a name for yourself in the Hong Family Fist, they might even offer you conditions to be recruited into their family's military."

Hearing this, Wang Yu was slightly relieved.

He was really worried that the Hong Family Fist he had learned would ask for trouble upon him.

After all, it sounded like these big families were not to be trifled with. The power and influence they possessed could probably be considered extremely great in the country. It was far from what an insignificant dojo disciple like him could withstand.

From the looks of it, in the eyes of the upper echelons of those large families, some low-level family body tempering techniques would occasionally be spread out. It was not a taboo matter.

After all, the value of low-level body tempering techniques was limited and could not be valued by them.

Of course, just in case, Wang Yu would also be careful and use the Hong Family Fist more carefully in the future.

In fact, he did not expect Shi Yang and Guan Yunwu to recognize it at a glance today within just a few punches.

It could only be said that the strength Hong Family Fist was still very recognizable.

"Young Master, since we've obtained the crab. We should leave now." After the interruption, Guan Yunwu remembered their mission and immediately urged Shi Yang.

They looked around the beach for the guardian.

"If you want to find the guardian, he's there." Wang Yu pointed in a direction.

"Thank you." Guan Yunwu immediately nodded.

"See you next time." Shi Yang smiled and carried the crab away.

Guan Yunwu quickly followed with the umbrella and headed towards the guardian.

Wang Yu put away the 50,000 star note in his hand. Coupled with the profits from the purple coal mine last time, he now had more than 90,000 dollars.

This was no small amount of money.

He hadn't expected such a crab to be worth so much.

If it was only made from precious ingredients that were beneficial to cultivation, it would definitely not be so expensive. After all, after removing the crab shell and other inedible parts, there was actually not much crab meat which was nourishing.

It could only be said that as a rare high-quality seafood ingredient, it was worth this price in the eyes of the rich.

"This sea is indeed a huge and boundless treasure vault." Wang Yu had a deeper understanding about this.

At noon on the second day of the tide.

Wang Yu simply ate a set of high-calorie rations and continued to wander outside the town.

He did not dare to say that his harvest would definitely surpass Sun Chengshan's, but at least it was much more than the other disciples.

After all, with that Red Rhinoceros Crab alone, he had made a huge profit and surpassed all the disciples.


Wang Yu punched a small sea beast several times in a row and it died.


Looking at the large number of proficiency points jumping on his fist, Wang Yu was very satisfied.

The proficiency of the Body Tempering techniques brought about by actual combat was extremely high, far exceeding the usual practice of punching iron stakes.

Even if the opponent was not a human but a sea beast.

It was a pity that actual combat was a battle of life and death. It was impossible for one to really practice boxing endlessly under such circumstances.

It was not as stable as his usual self-training. Fist training was just a bonus.

He picked up the purple sea beast that looked like a scorpion or a centipede and walked back.

It just so happened that Sun Chengshan was also there counting his gains. He called for Song Hezheng and a few disciples to transport the filled boxes back to the dojo.

This was already the second haul of the day.

At this moment, a strong heat wave suddenly swept across the island town.

Wang Yu narrowed his eyes as his hair stood on end. He felt his entire body burning.

When the rain dripped on his body, it was like boiling water.

"What's going on!"

Everyone was shocked. Some martial artists with low cultivation levels felt as if the air had been sucked away at this moment. They felt suffocated.

The powerful heat wave lasted nearly a minute before passing.

Only then could many disciples gasp for breath, their faces filled with fear.

"That was close. I was almost cooked…" Zhang Erdan muttered to himself. He felt that the past two days had been too exciting for him.

"This wave of heat really came without any warning. What's going on with this tide?" For a moment, Sun Chengshan couldn't figure out the situation around the island. His face was as dark as water.

Wang Yu looked at the sea. At this moment, there was a large amount of water vapor rising everywhere. He couldn't see far even if he wanted to.

Meanwhile, on the other side where the guardian was.

The others looked equally grimly at the sea.

"Where did such intense heat fluctuations come from?" Lu Pan the guardian asked solemnly.

Recently, he had been feeling increasingly uneasy.

As the tide continued, the situation this year was especially serious, surpassing any situation since the establishment of the town!

Guan Yunwu also frowned. "We can't rule out the recovery of the underwater volcano in this situation."