Chapter 19: Legs feel a bit weak, what should I do?

Zhao Yi said he didn't care about his grades, and his actions were slow. In reality, he just didn't show it. It was like when the College Entrance Examination was over, he couldn't wait to know his results, but no matter how anxious he was, he couldn't find out in advance.

There will be many similar situations in life.

"So, always keep calm!"

"Take things lightly!"

"What is meant to be lost will be lost. You spend all day thinking about playing and wasting precious time for studying, while others are working hard. So, it is only fair if your exam performance deteriorates."

"Make sure to keep a good attitude, maybe the next exam will be even worse!"

When they returned to the classroom, Zhao Yi thought about comforting his buddy. The heartfelt words he spoke made Sun Liang's expression even more depressed.

"I've made up my mind!"

Sun Liang gritted his teeth and made a decision, "Starting from today, I will study hard!"

"Just wait and see!"

"Go for it!"

Lin Xiaoqing also turned her head and gave a thumbs up.

Zhao Yi's sarcastic remarks towards Sun Liang were actually meant to encourage him to study hard.

During high school, he envied Sun Liang.

Some inspirational articles say, 'Don't envy students with good grades, because you don't see their efforts.'


Zhao Yi knew Sun Liang all too well.

This guy really didn't study, always sleeping or playing games during class, and copying other people's homework after school. Most of his holiday time was spent in internet cafes.

Sun Liang was the kind of person with a quick mind.

In subjects like math and physics, as long as he memorized the formulas and theorems, he could do well on those confusing questions. His performance in science subjects was particularly good, whereas cumulative subjects like Chinese and English were poor.

Sun Liang worked hard for a day with a clear study goal - to memorize English vocabulary.

It's not so easy to improve in Chinese.

English is relatively more straightforward. As long as you can understand the words, and if your listening is not too bad, it's easy to pass with a hundred points and get some grammar questions right.

Zhao Yi, on the other hand, began to listen carefully to the lectures in class.

Once you understand the basic formulas and theorems, you must accumulate problem-solving methods and practice experience. Physics, chemistry, and biology all require careful listening. Following the teacher's question-solving ideas can help in remembering useful knowledge points.

The English class in the afternoon.

Shen Yan walked into Class Three with the test papers in her arms, a gentle smile on her face. After distributing the test papers, she specifically mentioned Zhao Yi, "The highest score in the whole school is in Class Three. I didn't expect it."

"Zhao Yi, 144 points!"

"I've looked at Zhao Yi's paper, all his multiple-choice questions are correct, he made four mistakes in the short-text correction, and two points were deducted from his composition."

At this point, Shen Yan looked at Zhao Yi, "The problems in the short-text correction are quite serious. Also, when writing a composition, it's best not to use obscure words. Teachers are not omnipotent, and they may not understand those obscure words either."

"Teacher Luo had to look up the dictionary twice to understand the meaning."

"Even in the College Entrance Examination, using obscure words will leave a bad impression on the marking teacher. You must remember this point."

Zhao Yi nodded as he listened.

There's no solution for the short-text correction. Who knows if an added 'S' to a word is correct or not? Even if one had passed TOEFL or IELTS, it may not necessarily be answerable.

The composition is a habit that one needs to be mindful of.

Zhao Yi, who was rarely praised by the teacher after the exams, felt elated in his heart.

I must pay close attention to this lesson!

And then.

He fell asleep.

Zhao Yi had been listening attentively to other courses, but he was getting a bit sleepy. The English class was a good opportunity to relax, rest, and earn Study Coins.

The day went by quickly.

At the end of the last class in the afternoon, Teacher Sun took the results sheet to the podium.

Over a day's time, the scores of various subjects were more or less known. Teacher Sun still posted the results on the wall, hoping to inspire the students' competitive spirit.

"The result sheet is here. Everyone can take a look when you have time. See the gap between yourself and others and know where your weaknesses lie in each subject."

"The most important thing in Senior Three is to maximize the overall scores. Those students who are good at science subjects should work on their Chinese and English."

Teacher Sun looked at Sun Liang as he spoke, "Whichever subject you perform poorly in, study it more and make progress as quickly as possible."


Teacher Sun talked a lot before finally getting to the key point, "Now, the students whose names I call, please go directly to the classroom on the fourth floor and split into classes."

"Elite Class A: Lin Xiaoqing, Sun Liang, Pang Sibo, Luo Rui, Ding Xue, and Zhao Yi."

"Class B..."

"Go now! The rest of you can leave early!"


The classroom suddenly turned upside down.

Teaching Building No. 13 has one grade per floor, with the fourth floor housing laboratories, offices, and numerous empty classrooms. The Elite Class A was assigned to a classroom near the side staircase of the assessment area.

It was quiet there.

A large group of students crowded in the hallway, making the atmosphere chaotic.

Grade 3 Head Teacher Li Lisheng stood at the classroom door, taking roll call. "I'll call your names, and the student called will go in and choose a seat!"

Students with better rankings chose their seats first, while those with lower rankings had to wait.

When it came to the 50th place, there was hardly any choice left!

Zhao Yi ranked 49th, not much better than the 50th, and he could already imagine when it was his turn - probably only the middle seat in the last row.

No one liked that spot.

It's too far away to listen to the lecture.

And it's easy to get caught by the teacher if they try to sleep.

One by one, the students went in to choose their seats, and the waiting took some time.

In the end, only two students were left outside.

Zhao Yi took a look and saw a familiar face - Sun Jiali from Class 2. He asked, "You're the 50th?"

With her big eyes blinking, Sun Jiali stared at Zhao Yi and laughed, "I can't believe you're in the elite class, with a higher score than mine."

"I have good luck; can't help it!"

Zhao Yi sighed and brushed off her remark, then heard his name called. He walked into the classroom and looked around, noticing that the seat behind Lin Xiaoqing was surprisingly empty.

How is that possible?

What a great spot!

Zhao Yi didn't think much and walked over, only then noticing Lin Xiaoqing's gaze. It was so sharp!?

"This... seat is not taken, right?"

"No! Yes!"

Lin Xiaoqing stared at Zhao Yi, her eyes unfriendly and her words spoken with full of threat.

Zhao Yi still sat down.

After Lin Xiaoqing turned away, he felt his shoulder being patted. "Zhao Yi!"

He turned his head.

Cui Bao.

As his name suggests, he's a sturdy and chubby guy.

Cui Bao gave Zhao Yi a thumbs-up. "You really dare to sit down? Didn't you see her eyes... They could kill!"

"Just now, when I was about to sit down, she looked at me, and I simply moved back. She probably wanted a girl to sit in the back, but none of them wanted to."


Cui Bao laughed and pointed to both sides.

Zhao Yi took a look.

On the left, it was Zhao Linlin from Class 1. On the right, it was a girl from Class 6... Hu Tianyan, right? Both were strong contenders for the title of school beauty!


His legs felt a bit weak; what to do?


Seat selection ended.

Li Lisheng went to the podium and began to talk about studies and ideals for the College Entrance Examination.

Finally, he got to the key point.

"From now on, the elite class will have two extra classes every evening!"

"School ends at nine!"

"Not only do elite students need to have good grades, but they also need to work harder..."

A chorus of wails.

Even the students with good grades didn't want more classes.


Teacher Sun arrived at Zhao Yi's house on his scooter, parked it downstairs, and went up to have a talk with Liu Jing about Zhao Yi's performance at school.

"There are many problems with Zhao Yi."

"He often sleeps in class, which is a big problem. Also, he doesn't seem to fear teachers much, making students like him the most difficult to manage. Moreover, his biggest problem in this exam is..."

Teacher Sun hesitated and stopped.

"Teacher Sun, please go ahead. I can handle it." Liu Jing quickly continued.

Teacher Sun nodded and said, "The main problem with Zhao Yi's performance in this exam is that his scores improved too fast!"


Liu Jing was stunned.

"Of course, don't overthink it. We've ruled out the possibility of cheating."

"He took the exam on his own!"

Frowning, Teacher Sun went on, "That's what's strange. Did Zhao Yi study really hard during the summer vacation? He ranked more than 130th in the whole school in the final exam of Grade 2, but now he's up to the 49th!"

"In more than ten years of teaching, having guided four graduating classes, I have never seen anyone improve so quickly!"