Chapter 114: The Battle to Recruit Students in Universities

Deng Huaquan is a teacher from the admissions office of Capital University, responsible for Capital University's recruitment work in Nanjiang Province.

During the College Entrance Examination season in June, his work becomes incredibly hectic. Conversely, in November and December, things are relatively calm, and he only needs to stay at the school to prepare for the winter camp activities during holiday break.

Deng Huaquan had long noticed Zhao Yi.

Zhao Yi is a 'computer talented student'.

Every year, Capital University enrolls 'talented students', those who are skilled in computer science, are typically selected from the Olympic Informatics Competition. These students are given the privilege of lower admission scores or are invited to participate in the university's independent admissions test.

Zhao Yi's 'computer talent' is impressively strong, able to unearth vulnerabilities in the iOS system.

This kind of situation is rare.