Chapter 279: People Are Shameless, Invincible Under Heaven!

Zhao Yi had thought that the question-and-answer session would be quite tedious, but in reality, because the proof process was so clear, those who could understand it had no questions, and those who couldn't understand it were too embarrassed to ask simple questions.

So, the question-and-answer session didn't take much time.

When no one raised their hand to ask questions, the presentation report was essentially over. Under the gaze of everyone in the venue, Zhao Yi bowed slightly towards the audience and stepped down from the stage with a relaxed smile.

Applause rang out again.

Many people in the front row took the initiative to greet him, offering their congratulations to Zhao Yi --

"Congratulations, Zhao Yi!"

"It's so successful, so perfect. From now on, the study of theoretical mathematics has taken another step forward."

"You integrated group theory and sieve methods perfectly!"

"This is the most direct and clear proof I've heard in over a decade!"
