Chapter 313: 4G and Bitcoin_3

"Is it Terence Tao's?"


Zhao Yi did not explain that he was one of them and simply continued, "In this regard, there's no need to worry about it. Even if you put in more research, it's hard to compete with their very mature technology."


"If I were to suggest, you should focus on information transmission, like FSK, MIMO, SDR and other technologies. They are all promising directions. In these areas, by accumulating small achievements, you may become competitive in the future..."

Teacher Ding asked with some confusion, "The most popular CDMA technology in the world right now is said to be widely popularized in the future, while the application of FSK, SDR, and other technologies is not that extensive, right?"

Zhao Yi smiled and asked, "Would it make sense for your lab to focus on CDMA technology?" He meant that CDMA technology is already mature, and some countries have started to popularize it. Further research in this area would obviously be meaningless.