Chapter 329: Quite an Imagination!_2

He was really upset.

Edward had always prided himself on being a mathematical genius. Mathematics was just a perfect tool for his string theory research, and it had brought him world-class achievements. He had sent some interesting but seemingly useless information to Zhao Yi, who had then come up with a highly practical mathematical method, also simplifying Fermat's Last Theorem along the way.

This made Edward doubt whether he was really a genius.

Though there was a large age difference between the two, as "mathematical geniuses," it was impossible for them not to compare themselves with one another. Precisely because of this, Edward found it amusing to discover areas that Zhao Yi didn't understand, and teased him occasionally.

Now, the tables had turned, and Edward found himself being teased and feeling quite frustrated.

After a long pause, Edward forced a bitter smile and said, "This personality really doesn't suffer losses, huh!"
