Chapter 350: What Does It Matter if Others Know?_3

There are many types of particles in quantum physics, and 'spin' is a characteristic of these particles. It refers to the inherent motion caused by the intrinsic angular momentum of the particle, and its operation rules are similar to the angular momentum of classical mechanics, which will generate a magnetic field.

Although the spin of particles is sometimes analogized to the rotation in classical mechanics, in fact, the two are fundamentally different.

Yang Zhenning has done very in-depth research on the issue of particle spin.

As a result of this research, Zhao Yi has gained a deeper understanding of the spin of particles, and the issue of particle spin permeates all his research.

For instance, Supersymmetry.

Particles with half-integer spin are called fermions and obey Fermi-Dirac statistics; particles with non-negative integer spin are called bosons and obey Bose-Einstein statistics.