Chapter 427: The Melting Point Has Increased by Nearly 100 Degrees Celsius! _2

"Perhaps in thirty or forty years, when we have reached the sixth or seventh generation of fighter aircraft, and we're dealing with spacecraft-level machines, we will need to use these advanced manufacturing techniques. But right now, we don't need to."

That was what Zhao Yi said seriously.

Wang Zhixin, Zhang Hongtao, and Shen Binghe suddenly looked at each other, all too overwhelmed to know what expressions to make.

"The requirement is only 2000 kelvins?"

"Isn't 2000 kelvins already high? Most metals have a melting point of about 1000 kelvins! Alloys tolerate higher temperatures, but theoretically, alloys will only increase the original metal's melting point by about 1000 kelvins."

"2000 kelvins is the upper limit!"

"We can meet those conditions with a nickel-iron alloy? We won't need single-crystal technology?"