Chapter 441 High-Pressure Compressor_1

Aviation Group Headquarters.

Sitting in his office, Liu Jiankun looked at the latest application he had received, a smile of amusement crossing his face as he muttered, "Academician Zhao applies to establish a second team for the Kunlun Engine? But, the design of the Kunlun Engine has already been reviewed, endorsed, and a prototype manufactured."

"If it's just to continue R&D, refinement, and correction, there's no need to form a new R&D team..."

"So, is it to sidestep Zhang Gangchuan?"

"Go solo?"

"To lead an independent team and design, build an entirely new engine? That's a big project!"

"But Academician Zhao..."

Liu Jiankun pondered carefully. If it were someone else making the application, he wouldn't even consider it, because the Kunlun Engine was already finalized in design—the only thing left was to further refine and correct problems in the engine design.

The situation now was different.