Chapter 470: I Won't Die in Peace if I Can't See It Serve!_2

This seclusion lasted a week.

Qian Hong had just enjoyed some leisure time when she learned she had to go back to 'delivery' work, and each time she delivered meals, her gaze towards Zhao Yi was filled with silent resentment, yet also with anticipation whether Zhao Yi could complete his research on the NP problem.

This time, she was the only one who knew what exactly Zhao Yi was working on.

Others still thought that Zhao Yi was immersed in various technical research and development, totally unaware that he had returned to mathematics, to research the first of the seven Millennium Prize Problems.

"If others found out, it would definitely be a bombshell!"

"The mathematics community would probably boil over!"

Professor Zhou would exclaim loudly, "Zhao Yi, ah, you've finally returned to the path, restarting your research in mathematics..."
