Chapter 488: Fellow of the Two Academies? Summit of Science Students!_1

After Zhao Yi disappeared at the stairwell, Huang Wenqian continued looking in that direction, her body completely still, not even blinking. Her face showed a complexity that could not be described in words.

Surprise, excitement?

Doubt, tension?

Anticipation, longing?

All of the above!

Huang Wenqian stood motionless, but her mind was completely filled with thoughts, "Renzhe wants to marry me?"

"It might not necessarily mean marriage, perhaps just getting a marriage certificate? He must be too embarrassed to tell me, so he talked to Zhao Yi instead..."

"They have been close friends to begin with, confidants who share everything, so it's normal."

"But, is it true?"

"Zhao Yi has no reason to lie to me, right? It must be true."

"It seems Zhao Yi meant that Renzhe just started considering it, not sure about the specifics. Maybe, I should take the initiative, give him the chance to speak out, to decide, a way out?"
