Almost Time!

The third year... was almost as disappointing as the first two.

After beating the Crap out of Kage, that old fart, Life went on like normal... well as normal as a teenager with chakra could get.

If he was honest, that little twerp with pink hair that came directly to him, looked him up and down, blushed and walked away was amusing.

Each time the scores were announced, she would first look at her tests than would come to the third year section and looked at his.

All he could do was repress a chuckle every time she got irritated at not being able to get one over him.

Sometimes he would observe the scene alone, sometimes with Saeko who has a smirk on her face.

When he heard rumours about One Bit... Rei breaking up with Takashi and dating the martial arts club captain instead, he knew he had limited time.

Like... A few days? He didn't remember anymore.


(Ammo... Smaller ammo...More smaller ammo, and More ammo, Good.)

Turning away from a few crates of ammo he held in his Kamui dimension, Kakashi turned to the canned food, Seeds, water and some snacks that had a long time until they expired.

These should last about... a few months.

(Okay... Guns.)

The next place he turned to was a desk, where there lay three guns. His first pistol, MK-18 and FNP-45 Tactical... All of them had suppressors.

Oh and a cleaning kit.

His ANBU armour was ready as well as his tanto.

(Oh yeah, I'm ready.)


(I swear to god if zombies don't appear I'm going on a killing spree.)

The past week he didn't stop looking at the damn gate, waiting for something to happen, a stray zombie to bump into it and attract teachers and all that jazz... but nothing was happening.

A week, He would wait a week.

As the bell rang, He stood up and started packing, it was time to go home.

But First!

"Ready to go?"

He asked Saeko who had her bag on the desk, putting the last notebook in.

"Yeah, let's go."

With a slight smile under his mask, he reached out and grabbed her bag. Rolling her eyes with a small smile, she stood up to follow him out.

Ever since he so tactfully told her father they were dating and then proceeded to wipe the floor with the old man, Kakashi always took her bag, unless she kept it away from him.

"Want to go to the park?"

Kakashi looked at her for a moment, thinking it over, he had nothing to do, and it was the weekend...


And to the park, they went.

Their time together has been cut short ever since the Hatake Household moved, Apparently, his father wanted to renovate the old house and rented a house temporarily.

It was Next to someone who had a Humvee...

Yeah, It was Rika.

Somehow, He felt that this was orchestrated by the guy that sent him here.

But he didn't complain... much.


"You know, At first I thought you were childish wearing a mask-"

Kakashi hummed contently at her words as his head rested on her shoulder. They were sitting on the grass on a hill, Saeko between his legs as she leaned into his chest.

"- Then I thought you had a scar that you were trying to hide..."

Opening his eyes, He looked to the side, Seeing her looking at him as well. Their faces were inches apart and his mask was off since there was no one there.

"And what do you think now?"

She could feel his breath on her lips...

"...Now I think that you were trying to avoid fangirls... and failed miserably."

The mood was gone.

Kakashi deadpanned at her statement, which was said with a straight face and 100% seriousness.


She cracked first and started giggling. Kakashi soon followed as he leaned back, Bringing her with him.

She adjusted her body, lying face down on him as her giggles subsided.

"The first thing I thought when I saw you... No, I felt it more-"

She listened as their heads slowly got closer.

"- Was horror at having to interact with someone."

The mood was ruined... Again.

"Good job, And here I thought I would give you a kiss."

He chuckled.

"I thought I would kiss you too a minute ago, too. but the world is full of disappointments."

She pouted.