Takashi shouted... and got hit upside the head by Kakashi.
"You dumbass, don't shout like a lunatic."
Huffing, the silver-haired teen dashed forward, taking off a head while roundhouse he kicked another zombie.
This was getting troublesome, being teenagers, they were impulsive... judging from that shout back there, Takashi promptly fell into the "Dumbass" category.
With a twist of his body, he smashed a head in while moving past it.
"Shizuka, Get to the buss, Me as Saeko will cover you."
The blonde nodded and started walking faster. His eyes flashed red momentarily as Kakashi blurred.
A kick was sent to a dead body that was reaching for Shizuka, knocking it into the others. He could see the new addition to their group get bitten. He didn't react, he knew they would die so it wasn't a surprise.
Turning around, he observed the others, they were fine, for now. They kept close to each other and managed to fight off any zombies that got close.
Shizuka managed to get to the bus and quickly opened the door.
"Get inside, well cover you."
Takashi commanded as Kohta and Saya went inside the bus.
"Get on the bus, I got you two covered."
-Kakashi POV-
"Don't save him, you'll regret saving him, trust me!"
Oh god, the teenage drama. The horror.
I look over at Saeko who just shrugged, looking back, I watch the interaction curiously.
Though, looks like Takashi won that argument, Somehow. The brown haired boy let the few students that were running toward the bus inside, most of them were girls and only three boys.
"Shizuka-sensei! Drive!"
Well, that proves it, Shouting is the default in this world, Though, I wonder why? I mean, everyone knows that making a lot of noise is a bad idea, but they do it anyway.
...When did we burst through the gate?
"Kakashi, Sit down, the ride is shaky."
...Well, it's not like I can stick to any surface now, can I? With a shrug, I sat down and observed the rest of the group, Saya and her little minion were sitting next to each other,
Rei was holding onto a chair instead of sitting and Takashi was trying to sit down. Keyword, Tried.
A few moments and a few dozen bodies later, we were on the road.
Well, that went swimmingly.
Closing my eyes, I start remembering about the layout of the city... hmm.
By the direction, we are going, We will probably be heading towards the closest bridge, so according to the anime, we will have to go two bridges over to "accidentally" meet Takashi and Rei again... Yeah, not doing that.
If Im right, the incident is going to happen in a few minutes...
"We should have stayed at the school..."
Nevermind. it's starting now. anything else to prove me wrong about, Universe?
"Hey, Saeko..."
She turned towards me with a curious look on her
face and tilted her head.
"...Remember when I said that school was for idiots and smart people didn't need to go there?"
She rose an eyebrow, before noticing my glance at the one student that was complaining. Honestly, I didn't remember his name and would probably never bother to learn it.
-Third POV-
"I just can't stand him! Alright?! He gets on my nerves!"
Kakashi expected the now nicknamed "Donkey" to point at Takashi and spout some nonsense. What he didn't expect was a finger pointed at him an enraged expression on the dumbass's face.
No seriously, who was thing gu- Oh!
"Wait, aren't you the one that was forcing himself on the pinkie over there a year ago?"
Ignoring the indignant "Hey!" from the said pinkie and slowly darkening look of his accusor.
"You bastard!"
The donkey, it all his infinite knowledge, charges at him... He wanted to laugh.
Getting out of his seat, kakashi grabbed the incoming hand and brought up his knee, which met his stomach, his opponent doubled over, kneeling down and trying to catch his breath.
Using his Bokken, Kakashi pressed the tip on his forehead and pushed, sending the other boy sprawling on the floor.
(See this kids? this is why you need to avoid being idiots.)
Queue the clapping. It honestly amazed Kakashi that a snake could laugh without hands but Shido was just a special breed. That was his best guess.