Chapter 5 meats transformed into ice

Satan marked aloud to the water till the seven dead might hear him. His voice looked like thunder towards the waves, then his unlimited fire did not cease to shake the entire water. However, nobody followed him even though the serpent kept on ignoring him.

A few meats were spreading to the water and land through the power of wind. Then, the serpent followed them; to collect these meats into the large fire. His mind thought that Satan arrived on Mars. Beyond his imagination, the thunders transmitted the information to him regarding his demon.

Miguel and six dead were approaching the large fire; to cut it using the unlimited water. When they touched it using their nails; unfortunately, the waves pulled their bodies to the sea where Satan fountained the large fire. Everybody asked themselves why Satan didn't explode to the surface.

When the serpent put these meats above the fire. Unexpectedly, the meat was converted into giant ice, then his hands were trembling. "Satan, come back to the earth; to slice these meats."

He stared at the water deeply; he saw the fire man who raised up his arms which linked to the electricity. He actually disliked the demon, however his heart looked devil; to against the ice. In contradict, his mind longed to clenched these meats," Edgar, good luck to your journey with him."

The serpent jumped over the fire, then his body shook up these meats; he didn't like hearing the angel's voice. He looked back at the thunder; to ask for further assistance from him." snake, you are a betrayal to the earth, you must receive this sanction."

"Where are you? I'd like to verify your problem from me."

Miguel dragged the cover of cellophane to his face, then the six dead were shutting the ten chains to the serpent's arms, though the snake was smart, yet the chains pulled his head and couldn't turn any directions.

The six dead arranged the giant ices to the bridge. Hence, the powerhouse removed the large fire, though the fog covered an entire bridge. Among the ices on the surface, a group of ice formed a slight image of Archangel. With that, nobody left the powerhouse, they were waiting until they would talk with the white angel.

Miguel dragged the serpent to the high tree. Beside such pillars, the stones were guarded to him, then one stone placed on his mouth. He could actually discern Satan's dictation yet he can't respond to him.

He wondered why the seven dead suspected him. He longed to file justice for his death, especially when he saw the injustice trees. That time, Satan felt weightless to the water, even though the large fire attached to his body.

Miguel came back to the bridge to have a conversation with the dead. They were gladly agreeing to wait for their Archangel. Meanwhile, they utilized their time to clean up the whole bridge, then they made a feast if the white angel may come.

Satan stared at the bridge with his brain. Unexpectedly, he saw the powerhouse where Archangel and billions of people were adoring their angel. He got heart attacks to discern them, he took it as his challenge to fight back his adversary; indeed, his fire just started to spread to the front sea; to push the bridge.

Black moon appeared out of the tree together with the red snake on the clouds. He energetically stood up," Satan, I adored your power, please save me from the suffering." That time, Satan laughed loudly when the reflection of his fire transformed into red snake which actively fell down into the earth.

When the red snake discerned the serpent; he immediately removed the chain," accept my invitation, eat the meat again." He longed to converse with his purpose for him, however the red snake went to his side. It's a miracle to witness that the chains were turned into decomposed wood.

His mind never attached itself to white angel, but it finally attached itself to the meat. Instead of walking the soil, his feathers forced him to fly. He immediately came to the powerhouse, he chewed over the seven dead who had sat beside the ice.

"Pull it into the water because its meat will harm your spirit."

Nobody followed his informative advice, even though the snake looked congenial to his words. Miguel commanded the dead; to shut the ice into the snake; thus, the snake ran away from the bridge.

The serpent met the red snake, his direction would be saving his master on the water. He was compassionate to witness Satan's situation," dear, just climb up the lower part of my body."

" I am still unable to coordinate with you." The snake thought that the finest solution; to save the demon; to use the bridge.

He went back to the bridge; to pull it into the water. However, the ice converted into an Archangel silhouette, then the unlimited light attached to his eyes," you were already dead, don't exist on the bridge."

"Do you have a plan to go back to the earth peacefully? I will let you see the killer of your body before."

"Never Archangel, you were connected to my death. I only love Satan, not you."

Miguel and seven dead were witnessing their conversation right away. They were happily expecting the new journey with him, when they saw back the ice; it was gone to their eyes. That time, Satan kept disturbing the ears of the serpent," what are you waiting for? You may start to pull the bridge now."

When Archangel pellucidly heard Satan's request. He gave way to the serpent to carry this bridge to the sea," no, the world will destroy, if Satan will live the world again," Miguel said.

The white angel craved everybody to live peacefully with him. He personally approached the front sea," never come to him, the dead will be forever dead." That time, the devil man giggled beside the waves," come and save angel, I will let you experience my situation soon, hahaha."

Satan counted the numbers connected with Archangel's help. He blindly saw the red and serpent who were carrying the bridge again. He felt ecstasy when Archangel demanded the waves to stop waving the large fire, not only that but also the strongest wind which never hit the demon.

Miguel commanded the six dead hauling the white angel's hands, when it would link to Satan, they were silent, shaking to ride the small wind which connected to the submarine, they actually discouraged Archangel to carry the bridge, however the two snakes pretended as the followers of Archangel.

It quietly attacked the two vipers, the white angel liked the cooperation of his followers, when he was trembling the icy wind," red snake, can you please shake the ice above my shoulder?"

"No Archangel, I'm allergic to clench that."

He requested the serpent who looked alike to Miguel; dropping the ice above his hair. In that way, the white angel could connect his hands to Satan," why are you not trying the powerhouse?" His words persuaded the white angel throwing the bridge to Satan's hands," Archangel, I need your silhouette because the powerhouse would decline to my hand."

That powerhouse filled with millions of ice planted by the seven dead, nobody can't use it except the followers of Archangel. So, the white angel checked their substance beside the front sea before Archangel saved Satan from the water.

A red snake complained about his style in saving the demon. He urged him to save the king, so that the world will be better again, instead of being worse. His colleague, also persuading the white angel, approached the devil for this last time.

In their group, Miguel and six dead came, the white angel let them to check if they were belonging to their world. As a result, the red snake and serpent were not belonging to their world. So, Archangel changed his mind instead of cooperating with them.

The six dead were holding the red snake, despite the snake's body connecting his demon character to them, while Miguel got the chain to fix the body of the serpent. It's too late when he held him, the snake flew into the water; to share the chains with his master.

That time, Archangel commanded the red snake over the giant ice, when they were dragging his body to that ice. Unfortunately, the red snake transformed into a giant sword which attached their hearts," everyone, just sit in my arms, don't let the demon catch your spirit over his fire arms."

When Archangel shut his power to the devil; hence, the demon was unable to approach the followers of Archangel, his vestige turned back into a snake which passed above the clouds. In fact, Satan was just colliding his image under the water, he won't surrender finding ways till he could kill the white angel.

He pushed the ashes and fogs to the face of Satan. His eyes were exclusively glancing at him, either night or day, even the red snake and serpent couldn't hit him.

He brought the seven dead wherever the Archangel will go. He did not know that the red snake was still making a sharp stone, he would push it to their head if they flew over the sky. On the other hand, the viper excavated under the powerhouse, his desire connecting with Satan to the water through passing the crust to the ocean.

At night, Archangel never harked the noise from his followers, the feathers were automatically closed when the dark hit his silhouette," Satan, don't feel agonized, my body is already the soil." Simultaneously, the powerhouse kept on moving like there was a super earthquake which especially happening in the powerhouse.

He let his ice open the soil which coordinated the crust. He only met a variety of stones, he dragged them many times. Unexpectedly, the snake moved backward to the mantle," what are you doing, serpent?"

Too slow voice came out from his mouth together with the cool cleave that fell down. Then, he kneeled his body into the stones which connected to the white angel's shadow.

"Sorry for blocking your dreams,"

"Why are you asking for an apology?"

The serpent pellucidly harkened the demon," hey stay away from Archangel if you want me to seek the killer of your spirit." His mind felt agonized if the white angel heard such a presumption. That time, Satan prayed that the serpent might not follow the white angel. Otherwise, he would crumple the whole universe.