Chapter 12 Six dead converted into demon

Above the surface of water, the red snake attempted to utter his statement," your powerful angel finally come back to the earth to save his dead." It overpowered the strong wind which secretly revealed the consequences to it.

Beneath the soil," would you get out of your habitat, or kill the six dead?" His voice clipped at the red snake's ears, which forced himself to fight the wind that blocked his way.

Luz and Edgar were following what Archangel informed them. Both of their minds were negatively thinking of paradise, beside their shadow; the black bird had seriously listened to their non-verbal reactions, while Satan rode above the fire which linked to the old tree where the giant leaf started to burn out," yehey, this fire would link to the deep soil. And Luz will be dying again."

Alongside Edgar," do you hear it, husband?"

" I heeded to it, Luz, so don't lose this holy water," Edgar said. (May I get out of the soil to slay the demon? What if the Archangel might be dying through the devil's power.) Alongside to him, a cool water attached to Edgar," don't worry, I'll extend my time existing the world, just to help with you.``

Above their heads, the soil kept on quaking, even if the white angel had held it through his miracle hands," what are you waiting for, white angel?" Beside their habitat, aloud movement from the water, it aptly recognized the six dead. After a second, two people were talking," finally, you brought back the six dead, I am very pleased to see your advanced mind. I never commanded you to do that."

Aloud voice," you're my forever king, Satan." (I feel awesome for their adoration to me, should we consider that I belonged to a powerful king, not like the white angel.) That moment, the black bird quickly approached the demon,`` do you perceive what I have now?"

A quick reply," I already perceived him," he interrupted and displayed his smile to him. Then," kindly make these two fires above the dry soil," the earth sometimes moving, which positively thought that the white angel lived there.

Beside the red snake, the six dead were crying when they saw the sun which gave brown light, which associated the t-shirt of the Archangel. When the demon saw their reactions, the snake automatically turned his body to them. Then, he widely opened his mouth," don't value the sun, but value our holy demon." Each of their hands kept on declining the snake's statement.

Below the ground, the white angel recognized how hot the soil was! He never complained about the abnormal temperature, but the couples were able to shift their bodies. Instead of fighting the demon, he came back to his feet for a second.

A cool voice," Edgar and Luz, utilize my extra feathers, hide your body, don't get out unless you will hear my instructions." A quick reply," what do you mean, angel? Would you leave us?"

A slight smile," never do that for you, I'll be back to the flat earth, to save the six dead."

Two voices," no, we would advocate to fight our opponents, though the power is insufficient," their teeth were bravely coming out from their mouths.

Aloud voice,`` don't worry to my body, I will be back to save you, don't forget to follow my instruction," Then, his image has gone alongside them.

On the ground, Satan approached the six dead, throwing them into the triple fire. Meanwhile, it linked to his ears," don't slay their spirit, I'm already here to save them." Instead of following his goal, he came back to the west," where are you now, Archangel? Show your image right away. Otherwise, I will never hear your statement." Such time, Archangel secretly followed the demon through his power.

In a Loud voice," you can't blame me, Archangel," he bravely commanded the red snake to put the six dead on the top. Then, the black bird became a security guard in paradise.

(I badly noticed how they treated the six dead. Should I display my image in front of the demon? What if my spirit will shut into the cave which would be exclusive for the demon.)

Too hot above the triple fire, the six dead were declining their bodies to touch the surface, but the red snake pulled their bodies. Then, Satan shouted," Archangel, look at the six dead, they would belong to my hands." Then, he chuckled looking somewhere.

(Will I throw the water to the triple fire? What if the world explodes right away?) Beside his arms," white angel, don't forget to be smarter than the demon, try to glance forward your shadow," their voices were coming from the couple.

(If I won't fight the demon physically, there's no progress might happen in the future.)

The red snake guessed that the white angel had forever left paradise, not only him but also the black bird.

A quick question," what are you talking about?"

"We are just sharing our victory, demon," the red snake said. He showed his smile after he uttered his genuine statement.

"Whatever you have thought, I could perceive it through my ears. By the way, kindly check the status of the six dead," Satan said. His black bird ultimately saw how destroyed they were; his heart felt compassionate to them, when he smelled his background. Beside him, there was a cool shadow which touched his feather," come back to me, Miguel."

"Who are you talking with black bird?" mad voice came out from Satan's mouth. His mirror uncertainty thought that the angel haunted paradise.

A slow response," why did you burn the six dead? You must pay for their deaths, how valuable they are, but you have not felt that." His sword got ready to clip at Satan's neck, but he got nervous staring at the red snake.

A courageous voice," I know the nature of your shadow. Well, allow my hands to put your body on the fire."

"Don't pull my body, Satan. I never allow you to touch my spirit," his brave voice was shutting to the red snake's mouth," oh no, why did he come back on the earth?" He craved to approach the angel, but his cells won't function yet," black bird, put this fire above the king's head?"

Archangel got pain when the two knives unfortunately centered to his heart," how dare you, demon?" When the black bird heard it, he was compassionate to the Archangel, especially the tears that fell down to the soil.

Aloud laughed," do you want to take revenge with me? It's just the introduction of my power."

"You will pay for your bad deeds," white angel said. His painful heart healed by the sun, then he received much energy. Alongside him, a slow voice," do you want more help? I can bring you to the other planet," when Archangel saw the black bird; he did not give his sufficient trust. After a second, Satan confidently approached the six dead.

"Welcome to my world," all of their images were similar to the fire, then their teeth and eyes apparently looked scary.

"It's our pleasure to say thanks to the demon for healing our spirits," the six dead said. They were actually seeing their angel, however they couldn't recognize him as their savior.

The archangel approached the six dead," let's go back to our paradise," while the sun covered the angel exclusively to Satan's eyes.

"We do apologize Satan," they said together.

A quick reply," no, I am not Satan, I'm Archangel," he touched their scary eyes and teeth, including the head. Unfortunately, the six dead converted into brave demons, then their teeth were happily eating the white angel.

So, the white angel used his unlimited power to cover himself," pluck off his eyes," some demons said. That time, Satan and the red snake transparently saw the six demons were attempting to assassinate the angel.

"Finally, we can rule this world," they said together. Instead of leaving the archangel, since the west gave a signal to the sun; the clouds might have taken over his presence, but he never left Archangel.

Above the fire, the six demons bravely brought the Archangel to the prison where the fire guarded him. He couldn't leave the habitat unless the sun might turn into a powerful king.

(I possessed many powers but why can't I use to fight the demon? I wished to live happily with Edgar and Luz. But my body was invisible to their eyes, what should I do to fight them back?" His mind got exhausted to think of his many opponents, he attempted to check his sword; to destroy the pillar of this building. Unfortunately, the six demons had held it using their feathers.

Now, the six demons looked for Satan; to reveal the truth about Archangel's situation, while the sun cried upon witnessing how frustrated the angel was. Alongside the clouds," good to hear the news, I will automatically burn the building where Archangel lived."

Will Archangel survive their trials?