Chapter 9: Casting Call

*Serene POV*

I felt my head spinning as I sat up slowly. I swayed back and forth. Where was my Hello Kitty alarm clock?! I was in a bed, but this wasn’t my bed. There was no one around, and where was Earl Gray?!

I held my head as a sharp pain sliced through it. Oh great, a hangover. I stood to grab my shoes on the floor. Did Dan drug me from the bar and take me home?! Oh my god!

“Good morning, Serene,” I heard a voice enter from the doorway. I panicked, screamed, and threw my shoes into the air.

“Shhh, it’s okay, relax,” the voice reassured. It wasn’t that sick’s voice but I was still terrified to turn around and see what freak I slept with last night. I slowly turned around and was pleased to see Damon standing there holding a steaming bowl of oatmeal.

“Wh-what, what happened,” I stammered as I grabbed the hot bowl. I quickly placed the oatmeal onto the nightstand because my fingers almost incinerated.

“Not a fan of steel-cut oats?” Damon questioned.