"For the ten thousandth time, Jeremy, could you quit staring at me like I have ten heads?" Kyle scowled at his best friend.

The boys were seated in class for their first period, History class. The history teacher, Mr Gerard White, a stern looking man in his early thirties with a slightly muscular build, brown hair and sharp green eyes was going about his duty and Kyle was doing everything he could to concentrate and not get called out. Hard to do so when he felt Jeremy's eyes boring into his head every now and then.

"It's kind of hard to do so." Jeremy said in a low voice. "I still can't get over what happened earlier with Hank and his oafs. He threatened to break you and you still want to go ahead with your decision?"

"Yeah." Kyle gave him a blank stare.

"This is Hank we're talking about here. You know, Hank Michelson, the guy who always shoved us into our lockers for a living." Jeremy raised an eyebrow.

Kyle groaned silently and pinched his nose. This topic was beginning to get stale and annoying. He was tired of being reminded of who Hank was.

"Dude, that was then." He faced Jeremy. "We're sixteen now. A few years away from adulthood. Isn't it high time we got tired of being treated like kids?"

Kyle's words were meant to be gentle but unfortunately, his voice which rose as he made that statement was a loud contrast and drew unwanted attention to the two boys.

"Kyle, Jeremy." Their history teacher called out sternly. "Is there something the both of you want to share with the rest of the class?"

Jeremy shrank into his seat as he felt the pairs of eyes on them. This was exactly what he hated. Kyle on the other hand, frowned at the onlookers before facing the teacher.

"No, Mr White. We're good here." He replied, Jeremy nodding quickly in agreement.

Gerard sighed and turned his attention back to the rest of the class. Just as he was about to resume, there was a knock on the door.

'Another interruption again?!' He gritted his teeth in annoyance.

"Come in." He said out loud.

The door opened and everyone stared in surprise as Mandy made her way in. Mandy however had a look on her face that said she didn't want to be there. Her attire portrayed the same. She was dressed in a black loose tank top that revealed her slightly toned biceps and a tight black jeans that hugged her perfect legs with black and white sneakers. She had a grey satchel slung across her right shoulder. Kyle raised his eyebrow at the picture of the angry wolf on her tank top. Gerard's annoyance quickly shifted to realization.

"Oh, I forgot." He turned to the class. "We were supposed to have a new student today."

"Please introduce yourself." He turned to Mandy.

Mandy's brown eyes scanned the class as if trying to pick out potential threats. She narrowed her eyes at the flirtatious grin Hank sent to her. Her scowl deepened at the sneer she saw on Lucy's face and then her eyes shifted to Kyle. He returned her look with a raised eyebrow.

'We should study this one carefully. There's something about him.' Her wolf mused.

For once she agreed with the animal. Her eyes then landed on Jeremy. He swallowed and looked away.

'I like this one.' Her wolf piped. 'He looks so innocent and adorable. He would be fun to mess around with.'

Mandy rolled her eyes and began her introduction.

"My name is Mandy White." She said. "I moved here from Miami. I love sports and love my personal space. I don't like hurting people unless you push my buttons. So for the rest of my stay in this school, I want a peaceful coexistence with people here or there will be hell to pay. Thank you."

She ended her sentence and faced Gerard with an innocent smile. The whole class stared agape at her. How could someone sound so calm and threatening at the same time?

'Mandy White?' Jeremy mused. 'Isn't her last name the same with our history teacher's?'

He stared sideways at Kyle. The look on his friend's face meant he was wondering the same thing.

"Right." Gerard blinked awkwardly. " Thank you for that 'wonderful' introduction. Take a seat by…"

He scanned the class briefly until his eyes landed on the empty seat beside Kyle and Jeremy's.

"…Those two young gentlemen there." He finished.

Mandy shrugged and walked straight to the seat ignoring the eyes on her. She sat beside the two boys.

"Okay then, let's resume class." Gerard said.

Few minutes in and Mandy was already bored. She stifled a yawn at intervals as Gerard droned on and on. She sighed in frustration and was about to put her head on the table when she heard someone call out to her. She glanced sideways to see Kyle giving her a curious look.

"Hi."He said. "I'm Kyle Blake."

She nodded calmly.

"This is Jeremy Griffin." Kyle jutted a thumb to Jeremy who sent a nervous wave. Mandy couldn't help but stifle a smile.

'Well, turns out the boys are harmless.' She mused inwardly.

'You're telling me.' Her wolf retorted. 'Especially the quiet one.'

"Nice to meet you guys." She said aloud to the boys, but careful enough to not draw any attention to them.

"So your tank top. You like dogs?" Kyle pointed to the image on her shirt.

"Oh yeah. More than you'll ever know. Some might say I'm closer to them than humanly possible." Mandy had a sudden dark grin on her face.

Kyle raised his eyebrows in interest and Jeremy cringed a bit.

"I have no idea what any of that means." Kyle scratched his head. "But that's cool. You're alright."

"Yeah, same here." Mandy nodded.

"And you too." She added turning to Jeremy.

Jeremy merely nodded with a shy smile and looked away. Mandy chuckled and faced the class. Much to her relief minutes later, the class was dismissed and she quickly stood up to follow the rushing students out of the class.

"Hold on, Miss White." Gerard called out, halting her movements. "I would like to have a word with you.. The rest of you students are free to go."

Mandy let out a frustrated groan as Gerard walked over to his seat. As soon as the class was empty, save for two of them, and her eyes couldn't pick up on any possibly eavesdropping being. She walked over to him and stood in front of the table that separated them. Gerard folded his arms and gave her a look.

"Hello, Uncle Gerard." Mandy forced a smile and placed her hands behind her back.

"Mandy." Gerard grinned softly. " It's been a while. How have you been?"

"Great. Kind of."

"And your parents? Especially your dad. I hope he's on his best behavior."

"Oh he is. Mum makes sure of that."

A long silence stretched between them and Mandy soon tapped her feet impatiently.

"I'm guessing you didn't ask me to wait behind just to catch up on family matters." She said.

"Mandy." Gerard had a concerned look on his face. "I'm sure you didn't just move here because your parents suddenly decided to change location. I heard what happened. Gabi filled me in."

"What?!" Mandy shrieked. "Dad told you?!"

"He's my big brother." Gerard deadpanned. "He tells me a lot. You should know that by now."

"Of course." Mandy muttered, rolling her eyes.

"Anyway I have a friend who stays around. Richard. He's a doctor and can examine you." Gerard suggested.

"Yeah, dad mentioned it before we moved." Mandy said. "Is your friend…"

" A werewolf like the rest of us?" Gerard finished for her. "Yes he is. I wouldn't have it any other way."

'I hope there are no needles involved.' Mandy's wolf joked.

'Very funny.' She snapped at it.

She caught a bemused grin on her uncle's face.

"Having a squabble with your wolf?" Gerard asked.

"Oh, you have no idea." She sighed. "Look, Uncle G, I will think about it. I'm still getting used to my powers and I'm not felling emotionally ready to face a test that I may or may not like the results. Controlling my wolf is hard enough as it is now. But I promise you, when I'm ready, you'll be one of the first to know."

Gerard stared at her with a dubious gaze.

"Cross my heart and hope to something something." She made the sign and smiled innocently.

"Alright, you can go." Gerard dismissed her with an eye roll.

"See you around, Uncle G!" She piped as she scurried off.

Gerard leaned back in his seat and let out a big sigh. Mandy was the first different werewolf of her generation.

Hopefully, this was a good thing.