New journey

After some time of rest Ye chen get up and go to bathroom, there he saw himself in mirror and become little shocked and asked system " Oi why this person looks like me?".

[Well because it is you haah well don't sweat on such trivial stuffs and check your status]

'What the fuck you mean by saying my looks are trivial stuff you damn female system.' cursing system in his heart while saying calmly outside "Okay".


[Status. System Lvl.1(0%)


Title: Protagonist, Hidden Doctor, Martial artist

Hp: 250/250

Rank: Intermediate Lvl ( Upper stage)


Luck: 9


Skills: Advanced lvl Ayurveda(mid), Advanced lvl acupuncture(upper), Advanced lvl alchemy(upper), Advanced lvl material technique(upper), Advanced lvl pianist(low), Advanced lvl tea brewing(mid), Innocent charmar(Lvl.1)


system points: 0

money: 1000$


Protagonist: 750 ]

"What the heck is with this status and just How many advanced Lvl skills I have." said ye chen in bewilderment.

[ hehehe well don't be surprised too much little buddy and don't forget who you are]

" Oh yeah I am protagonist of this urban kind novel world" ye chen laughed and thought he was stupid for forgetting that.

[ Hmm good that you understand, now let me tell you about some information of this world and what rank and stages are. First rank, they are divided into 5 stages Elementary, Intermediate, Advanced, Master and Grand master. and each rank divided into 3 stage Low, Middle and Upper same goes for skills and techniques.]

"So how can we determine what rank we are in?" asked Ye chen.

[ Well You can determine which rank you are in by qi which is Energy of this world even though it's quantity is very thin. when you are more powerful than average person in strength and speed then you are qualified to called Elementary rank martial artists well they are common then when you started to feel qi in your atmosphere and use them somehow you are qualified to called Intermediate rank. When you achieve small mastery control of qi you are qualified as Advanced rank and when you achieve big mastery control of qi you are qualified as Master rank and last Grand master rank which is top of this world's power. when you achieve great mastery in control of qi and condense it at one point then you become a grand master]

"Okay I understand then how I level up or rank up here?".

[Well traditionally it done by practicing martial techniques and eating pills but in your case you can get breakthroughs as reward if you complete tasks or change scenarios you can also get breakthrough items from gacha so remember to waste your money in gambling okay ]

" Yes yes you god damn system".

[Oi respect respect dumbass]

" Yeah yeah, dumb system." said and walk into shower.

After showering and seeing himself in mirror while wearing only towel a bright smile crept on his face because his body is looking so fit and have good abs and muscle he still look same when wearing clothes but without clothes he look more handsome. looking at his body and admiring himself Ye chen thought ' Let's see If I would be able to remove my virgin status here or not.'

After coming out of bathroom and wearing some clothes he was ready to go out to meet some villains on the way for plundering their halo.

Ye chen check out of hotel and began his journey to meet someone who his master told him to meet after coming to city.

He was on the road walking while enjoying coffee and his bag was hanging on his waist.

After walking for some time he saw a guy forcing a girl to go with him for drink and seeing this Ye chen started to think ' Are people of this world drink alcohol in the morning or what?'. and look at his coffee cup.

[ What happened Ye chen]

"Well see that guy forcing that woman for drinking and right now it's 8 in the morning most of the people are jogging or opening their business that girl is also I think was doing jogging but why the fuck this guy want to drink alcohol right now. I think he is an idiot and why everyone is ignoring them and acting like they don't saw them. It's really confusing."

[ Well who cares about other people. let's go ye chen let's save the beauty and kick that guys ass. and maybe even broke 2 or 4 bones of his legs]

" Huh? really? I have to do that?". asked ye chen shocked.

[ Then who do you think will help her well whatever I will give you choices and choose wisely you will not going to get reward if you don't follow the choices]

<1. Ignore the situation before you.>

<2. become a bystander. >

<3. Solve the issue and somehow punish the guy.>

[ Reward will be given accordingly]

[ Now choose amigo]

"Haah fuck this guy seriously gonna pay for ruining my morning time." said Ye chen angrily while going towards them.