
" So did I complete the mission?"

[ Hmm 75% is finished now it's all depends on Misahi. How severely she will punish her son]

" Oh well then I should go and see what Luna is doing." saying this Ye chen get up from Sofa and go towards Kitchen.


In Qu business group's main building on highest floor. in the Office there was a woman sitting on main chair behind the desk and looking at phone in her hand with smile.

The woman look beautiful with nice body and have beautiful and alluring face. the woman have kind of demonic charm but also have dominant aura around herself. beside her desk was another desk where a different woman who was wearing glasses and looked like strict but beautiful teacher in official dress doing her work. She look at the woman on the main sit and asked her with smiling face " who were you talking with Misahi?"

Yeah the woman on main sit is Qu Misahi, Vice president of Qu family and the Woman beside her is her secretary and best friend. Lana shen.

Hearing Lana's question Misahi look towards her and said " Lana did we waste our life?"

Hearing her Lana asked " What do you mean?"

"Well think about it yourself I still have family and husband but You never get into any relationship, I know you are younger than me but are you going to be alone for rest of your life."

Hearing her Lana got little flustered and said " what happened? You are asking me this all of sudden."

"Well you saw, right? when I was talking on the phone."

"Yeah, so?"

" Well When I was talking with this Guy I felt little better and Don't know why But I wanna talk with him again."

Lana look at her friend with strange expression and said "Then Do it if you wanna talk with him."

" Like I can, I still have meetings to attend after lunch and giving punishment to my son too." said Misahi while grumbling. After some time Misahi said again " Why do we got so much into work, seriously I even forget the last time we relax."

Hearing her, Lana also become sad. She also wanna enjoy her life but they just have too much work.

After calming down Lana suggest " Why don't we add more employees?"

"Umm Lana darling we have enough employees we need someone in main office." said Misahi to her friend.

" Well then we can only find another secretary so our work can be divided perfectly and for that we need talented and loyal person." said Lana while adjusting her glasses.

" Do you have someone in mind?"

"Umm I do."

" Who?" "Well you already know her you know your husband's secretary."

" You mean Mitasa.?" "yeah."

After thinking for sometime Misahi said " Okay I will get her when I go for lunch."

"Okay but I don't understand one thing." Said Lana to Misahi with questioning gaze.


" Why are you suddenly doing this I mean getting new secretary?"

"Well Because I wanna talk more with my Sweetie." " Eh, but You already have husband, are going to cheat on him?" said Lana in disbelief.

" Eh what are you talking about? oh well no I am not cheating on anyone it's just I want to have some more time to talk with my sweetie well you can join too. we are friends after all."

" Okay if you say so I am also curious about him now." said Lana.

Some where far away from Qu group, in the kitchen of Luna's house Ye chen was helping her making lunch and suddenly he sneezed and said " Is someone missing me?". From the side Luna said " Yeah Yeah I am missing you." While laughing, hearing her Ye chen Also started to laugh and they cook lunch while talking and laughing.