Be My Alpha

He was surrounded. All five Gammas stood around him, silently judging him. In the background, Zan stood, pretending to be uninterested.

Alric had been initially on his way home after spending another day at the clinic watching over Aodhan. The Gamma Gwen had explained that his presence was beneficial to the Fae's healing - whatever that meant. But just as he was about to leave the building, Ming-Ji and Rin ambushed the angel and dragged him to a large meeting room.

"Wingless One," Rin finally spoke up. "Do you have any combat experience?"

"Huh? Not really. Boot camp for the Academy is kinda long ago, you know." What was going on here?

"What is your expertise in magic?" Ming-Ji asked.

"You know it. None."

"But you can use an Enochian weapon."

"Well, it's nothing special, just focusing on it, and boom."

Ming-Ji raised an eyebrow. "If it were that easy, every angel would be wielding one." The other Gammas whispered in agreement.