To the Rescue

When Aodhan opened his eyes, he found himself lying on the couch in Fiera's office. His head pounded like a sledgehammer beating against it. Every joint in his body felt put through a mangle. He groaned in pain. 

"Feeling like a truck ran over you, boy?" A nurse was readjusting the drip and looked at him with an empathetic smile.

"Something like that," Aodhan managed to respond. He tried to look around, but he didn't see anybody else in the room. 

"Where… is everyone?" 

"Oh, they're in an adjacent meeting room. They didn't want to disturb your beauty sleep."

Another groan. "I feel so fucking useless."

"Don't. I've been told you saved the Beta's life. He has repeatedly expressed his gratitude while you were unconscious."