War | He Is My Alpha [Coral]

The nightclub the Fae had mentioned was so far out of town that Coral wondered whether it was even part of it. Judging by the type of vehicles parked before the location, it was heavily frequented by guests from The Surface. The succubus surmised it was close enough to the tunnel to be lucrative and far enough to be considered part of The Underworld. 

"We should enter with a small group to not draw too much attention," the elite guard explained, checking the magazine of his automatic pistol. They were all wearing party outfits over their bulletproof vests. Since they didn't take their time, most attires looked outlandish. So much for entering the nightclub undercover. 

Coral did not immediately react to the man's words. The loud music and various scents overwhelmed the girl for a moment. After closing her eyes and breathing deeply for a few moments, she turned around. 

"I… I don't have a name to call you?"